What is coaching?

Coaching is focused on the specific person or team. It’s a confidential space to think through goals, challenges and opportunities. Common scenarios for coaching are:

-            Current leaders wanting to strengthen certain aspects of their leadership.

-            Newly appointed leaders or those about to be promoted, keen to explore that transition.

-            Current or emerging leaders wanting to identify next steps or think through uncertainty or change.

Common outcomes are more effective relationships with colleagues, increased ability to inspire and develop others, better understanding of how to communicate and work with those with different styles or greater impact and influence.

The process has various underlying principles and I collaborated with the wonderful architects McCloy Muchemwa to illustrate some of those.

1. Understand where you are and explore where or how you want to be.

2. Use tools, techniques, powerful questions, challenge and support to raise self-awareness and create new thinking.

3. New thinking enables removal of blockers and increases clarity, momentum and motivation.