
As a qualified and ICF accredited coach, I partner with my clients in a rich and thought-provoking learning process to help to create clarity, to find ways to achieve goals and unlock growth and effectiveness. That process can be focused at an organisational, team or individual level.

Coaching within organisations

Resilient and sustainable organisations, those that emerge, continue to be successful beyond their fifteen minutes of fame and thrive in difficult times, have strength in depth. They are led effectively and with purpose, have good connections and broad work sources, and they develop talent and energy beyond the principals or founders. The majority of my work supports leaders and their organisations in these areas.

This includes working with principals, emerging leaders and first time managers as a coach to improve their ability to inspire, motivate, communicate, nuture and develop people, as well work winning and other areas fundamental to running of the organisation. It also includes support for the development of a vision, purpose, values and business development strategies through away days and strategic workshops.

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Working with private clients

I work with private clients on a 1:1 basis when they’re thinking about, or already in, some kind of transition. This could be a change of role, promotion, retirement or redundancy or a general feeling of being ‘stuck’ or at a crossroads and considering what next.

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“Rachel was committed to ensuring I achieved my goals and this support has given me the awareness and confidence to develop new skills by taking on new challenges - contributing both to my personal success and that of the practice. I have found my coaching experience with Rachel to be extremely valuable.”

— Yemi, Associate, Architect