Power to the (Marcomms) people

I thoroughly enjoyed working with the wonderful Isabelle Galley (Aecom) and the rest of the Build Up crew to deliver a workshop on ‘how to be a force for good growth’ last week. This was an interactive and productive workshop with a wealth of discussion in groups.

Some of that discussion was specific to the marketing and communications audience but many of the learning points were more widely applicable to anyone who wants to increase their influence across their organisations.

For me those points were:

  • A clear vision and set of values (yours and the organisations) helps to provide a framework for time management and strategic decision making.

  • Make yourself more central and visible by getting involved, being proactive and ‘PRing’ yourself - don’t sit back and wait to be asked or told what to do.

  • Keep building and refreshing your expertise through personal & professional development.

  • Deliberately build and nurture really good relationships across the organisation (and outside it)

  • Gather broad perspectives to embrace and effect change

Alongside the architects and engineers I coach are a number of marketing and communications professionals whom I coach and mentor in their leadership roles. These people need to influence across the organisation often without the assumed authority that comes with a title and so it takes a special something to get everyone aware and on board with marketing strategies, plans and activities. Coaching can help!

For the full write up which was created for Build Up by my co facilitator Isabelle Galley see this post on LinkedIn.


When was the last time you stepped outside your comfort zone?


‘Stop telling people (including yourself) that they just need to be more confident!